Check out some important facts about MOS certification

Did you know that you could get certified in the Microsoft Office product line? Did you ever think about why you would require or need this credential? The Microsoft Office Specialist was designed for anyone who needs or wants to validate computer desktop skills of the Microsoft Office products. Considering how widespread ubiquitous the Office products are in the professional industry, this could include anyone from an administrative assistant to a network administrator. It covers Microsoft Office, a necessity in practically all job roles. This credential is likewise beneficial for organizations. Check out some of the important facts about MOS certification:

1. 87% of employers observe increased competency in their Office Specialist-certified employees

2. 83% of employers feel their Office Specialist-certified employees are more productive

3. 77% of employers feel Office Specialist certification has a positive effect on employee credibility among co-workers, customers, and clients

4. 82% of employers believe Office Specialist certification directly benefits an organization

6. 67% of employers feel Office Specialist simplifies hiring and advancement decisions

Aside from increased productivity gained through the certification process, another major benefit is increased employer recognition. The MOS credential demonstrates how committed you are to your current or prospective employer. If you are applying for a job that relies on Microsoft Office programs, show the new employer that you are capable have an essential qualification associated with your job.

The MOS certification is the first step necessary to become a MOS Expert or MOS Master. uCertify is known for providing top class training courses for IT certification exams. It also offers the Microsoft Office 2016 course and performance-based labs which covers the objectives of the MOS 2016 exam.


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